The Betterment Network Mission

The mission of THE BETTERMENT NETWORK is to connect and support members on their journey to a better life.

The mission statement above reflects the goals of The Betterment Network. When I was first enlightened to the Law of Attraction in The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, I was so excited- I tried to share with family and friends. But no one I knew personally was interested in my profound discovery.

What I wanted was a network of friends that I could lean on and offer support to in attaining a life full of positive energy, gratitude and being connected to source. The Betterment Network was created so like minded people could get together to support one another in our journey.

This blog is the foundation of The Betterment Network but we also have a greater presence on Facebook and Twitter. We truly value comments, feedback, suggestions and ideas. Please join The Betterment Network and let us know how we can support you on a journey to an amazing life. You can also email me at

- Also on Facebook, we now have a group that allows for interaction among followers. Post questions, offer tips and share inspiration. Look for The Betterment Network Gratitude Journal

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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July 1st

It’s Hump Day for 2015. That means half of the year is behind us but we still have 6 months of 2015 to reach the goals we set for this year, back on New Year’s Day. Most promise to lose weight, make more money, quit smoking, etc. How are those resolutions working for you? While they are all important changes to make, I am taking time this year on July 1st to reflect on my personal goals – not just for 2015 but beyond. I’m reviewing my bucket list and looking for goals that are not impossible to complete this year. Going on safari in Africa in the next 6 months isn’t likely to happen, but hitting the greens to resume a passion for golf, or attempting to try my hand at homemade croissants, are items on my list that are possible for accomplishing in the next 6 months and checking off my list.

Today is International Reboot Day (OK – I just made that up). It’s a perfect time for that BABY STEP down a larger path. We have the next 6 months to make progress towards a goal or even achieve one. Today, make it your intention to be mindful of what you are intending for the next 6 months and work towards that goal. Rome wasn’t built in a day – but with every stone carefully placed over the next 6 months, you can soon be standing in your own empire.

If you don’t have a bucket list, I highly suggest starting one. Then get ready to accomplish them. Nothing is impossible! And on this Reboot Day – it’s a good time to plan for the future! Happy Hump Day!

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