The Betterment Network Mission

The mission of THE BETTERMENT NETWORK is to connect and support members on their journey to a better life.

The mission statement above reflects the goals of The Betterment Network. When I was first enlightened to the Law of Attraction in The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, I was so excited- I tried to share with family and friends. But no one I knew personally was interested in my profound discovery.

What I wanted was a network of friends that I could lean on and offer support to in attaining a life full of positive energy, gratitude and being connected to source. The Betterment Network was created so like minded people could get together to support one another in our journey.

This blog is the foundation of The Betterment Network but we also have a greater presence on Facebook and Twitter. We truly value comments, feedback, suggestions and ideas. Please join The Betterment Network and let us know how we can support you on a journey to an amazing life. You can also email me at

- Also on Facebook, we now have a group that allows for interaction among followers. Post questions, offer tips and share inspiration. Look for The Betterment Network Gratitude Journal

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Monday, January 30, 2017

Why Donald Trump Became President! Is He Positive Change?

Positive change. What does that mean? How is it achieved? What good is being positive when there is so much negative in the world? I am not sure there has ever been a more NEGATIVE time here in the United States then since the election of Donald Trump as our 45th President.

It kind of amuses me that so many are shocked by his victory. Those that voted for him were focusing on HIM. And those voting for Hillary were ALSO focused on HIM - because in their view, how could anyone possibly vote for him for president?

I wish there was an actual frequency gauge that could have been calculating the thoughts of the entire world at any given moment, to record at those moments how many were thinking about Trump vs. how many were thinking thoughts about Hillary.  I think the actual results give you the answer. More people were thinking about Trump, good or bad, than they were about Hillary. And where attention goes, energy flows....into victory for Trump! We can't truly be shocked at Trumps victory. All of the energy was focused on him - people either passionately loved him or hated him. I didn't vote for Trump, but I also didn't vote for Hillary.

Each new election seem to bring more and more hatred into this world. We are not much of a UNITED States of America anymore. People spew hatred for those they don't agree with, who are different ethnically or religiously, and/or just have a different opinion, skin color, sexual identity etc etc etc. Social media makes this worse - perhaps this is why there seems to be so much more hatred in the world, fueled by fake news stories that only makes people more angry and more filled with hatred.

When I admit I don't watch the news - I'm looked at like I'm crazy! I don't want to see constant streams of violence, hatred and social injustices. I AM the positive change I want to see in the world. I choose to embrace all people. Even President Trump.

Yes - he's not a person I would call connected to a higher power - for much of what he has said and done is appalling as a human being - but he is human. If he's willing to TRY to make this country great again, he can't be all bad. I will believe that President Donald Trump is positive change! And with attention to positive change, energy will flow to MORE positive change. And that is the change I hope to see in the world.

One small stream of positivity can flow into a raging river of Positive Change.

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