The Betterment Network Mission

The mission of THE BETTERMENT NETWORK is to connect and support members on their journey to a better life.

The mission statement above reflects the goals of The Betterment Network. When I was first enlightened to the Law of Attraction in The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, I was so excited- I tried to share with family and friends. But no one I knew personally was interested in my profound discovery.

What I wanted was a network of friends that I could lean on and offer support to in attaining a life full of positive energy, gratitude and being connected to source. The Betterment Network was created so like minded people could get together to support one another in our journey.

This blog is the foundation of The Betterment Network but we also have a greater presence on Facebook and Twitter. We truly value comments, feedback, suggestions and ideas. Please join The Betterment Network and let us know how we can support you on a journey to an amazing life. You can also email me at

- Also on Facebook, we now have a group that allows for interaction among followers. Post questions, offer tips and share inspiration. Look for The Betterment Network Gratitude Journal

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Black and White and Powerful All Over

I love inspirational stories. The following story absolutely amazed me but is a testiment to the power surrounding us.

Many years ago, two men, one white and one black, served in WWII. The white mans plane was shot down and without consideration for his own life, the black man rescued the white guy from a burning plane. The white man never had an opportunity to thank the black man because there was still segregation at the time and they ended up in different parts of the military hospital. But the white guy never forgot the black man and always wished for an opportunity to thank him.

Fast forward FIFTY YEARS! The white man goes to his local hospital in CA to visit an ill friend. While there- a black man is wheeled in having a heart attack. Instantly the white man recognized the face of the man who had saved his life so many years ago. The black man survived his heart attack and the two reunited. Unfortunately, the black mans health continued to fail and on his deathbed, he asked the white man to look after his homeless daughter and her three boys.

In an act of complete unselfishness and gratitude to this man for having saved his life all those years ago, the white man, a recent widower living in a large 3 bedroom home, offered his spare rooms to the homeless daughter and her three sons. Years later, the 5 of them still live together. The boys grew up to call the white man Grandpa. The white mans life was completely blessed by having this 'new family' enriching his life. He repaid a 'debt' to the man who saved his life, but in many ways, the black man saved his life once again. Having a new meaning to his life kept him 'young'.

What are the chances that these two men would encounter one another so many years later? The United States is a huge place  - for both men to be at the same hospital in CA at the same time is remarkable. I love this story for showing that gratitude is a powerful thing. Miracle? perhaps but definately The Law of Attraction! This man had spent 50 years wishing he could thank the black man for saving his life. He finally was given a chance. That is POWERFUL!

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