The Betterment Network Mission

The mission of THE BETTERMENT NETWORK is to connect and support members on their journey to a better life.

The mission statement above reflects the goals of The Betterment Network. When I was first enlightened to the Law of Attraction in The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, I was so excited- I tried to share with family and friends. But no one I knew personally was interested in my profound discovery.

What I wanted was a network of friends that I could lean on and offer support to in attaining a life full of positive energy, gratitude and being connected to source. The Betterment Network was created so like minded people could get together to support one another in our journey.

This blog is the foundation of The Betterment Network but we also have a greater presence on Facebook and Twitter. We truly value comments, feedback, suggestions and ideas. Please join The Betterment Network and let us know how we can support you on a journey to an amazing life. You can also email me at

- Also on Facebook, we now have a group that allows for interaction among followers. Post questions, offer tips and share inspiration. Look for The Betterment Network Gratitude Journal

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Betterment Network Needs Help

Hello Betterment Network readers,

I need your help. I created the Betterment Network because I found myself looking for support from others who follow The Law of Attraction, but was unsuccessful in finding fellow novice practitioners. I know TLOA works, I have seen enough proof with my own eyes to believe! But it isn't always easy to practice and stay focused. Life happens, reality stares you in the face and well, we are all busy living our lives - and our positive energy can get railroaded into unpleasant thoughts. i.e. another bill arrives in the mail, you look in the mirror and see a fat body, you are unfulfilled in your career, etc etc. We all know how this applies to ourselves.

Personally, I have used TLOA to attract a fabulous man into my life (now my fabulous husband) and to attract enough money last year to pay off an incredible amount of debt - debt I couldn't imagine paying off so quickly. (I'm still amazed) But those were only 2 areas of my life and there is so much more I want to change.

I have my vision board and I meditate as often as I can. I offer gratitude before I get out of bed in the morning, while I'm in the shower, before going to sleep at night and as often as possible in between. But my other areas of life stay the same and I know it is because I don't put the same focused energy into these areas of my life that I put into my financial situation and finding my soulmate.

So with this realization, I thought how wonderful it would be to find other people in similar situations - as a network of support to help one another stay focused and accountable towards our goals. If you try to change your life after substance abuse, you have a sponsor that you can call on for support and inspiration. After years of attracting the wrong things, learning to change your energy to positive energy seems, to me,  similar to that of a recovering addict. Personally, I would like the same type of one on one support that addicts get. I thought if I felt this way, surely there must be others out there like me.

What I found was a lot of organizations that might send out an email daily or weekly with inspirational quotes, Facebook pages where people can post supportive tips,  blogs where people can comment, and discussion groups on different topics, but I didn't find one on one support- which is what I really wanted for myself and felt others might be interested in also. (Could you imagine someone going thru alcohol abuse recovery with only a weekly email of encouragement!)

I know in this day and age of social media networking - everyone is a friend to everyone, but I wanted to find a way to personally connect with someone looking for the same things I'm looking for, thus I created The Betterment Network. My goal is to make this network like a bunch of personal cheerleaders - I don't have it all mapped out - but basically put like minded people together so they can directly support one another. Not sure how, but I know TLOA will make this work.

I know Rome was not built in a day, but I thought this idea would be well received. I can't say I am disappointed that I don't have more interest in this network, because I am VERY HAPPY to have 36 followers on twitter at this point. I'd never tweeted before I signed up with The Betterment Network. And if you happen to be a follower- you can probably tell I'm still a novice! I just learned how to shorten my links so I'm feeling very proud of myself!

Anyhow, I admit to being a lousy blogger and tweeter and FB poster etc etc. but I really believe that there is a need for a network to offer support to one another as we all practice TLOA. So I'm not giving up!

Here is where you can help. I would LOVE feedback and comments with suggestions, helpful hints and ideas for how to make the Betterment Network reach it's goal. Our mission statement is: The mission of THE BETTERMENT NETWORK is to connect and support members on their journey to a better life.

I believe in The Betterment Network and its mission. I KNOW this will work. I will be forever grateful for your comments.

Thank you!!

The Betterment Network

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